Sunday, June 12, 2005

just got home from rayn's birthday, an ex colleuge that I haven't been meeting for some time. as every year she would organise and invite us to the event, now it's sort of a gathering for all the colleuges.

went out with mum to bugis this afternoon as she wanted a new handphone. cos after staying at sparks till 6am on friday night and having a force recce at marina south at 9am for the national day event. I was totally shack out, so catch a few hours sleep before going out. anyway she fall in love with the samsung x460 or x480c lolx forget liao, help her test it out. to my surprize, the menu wasn't as diffcult to use.

oh just read the newspaper and caught this article that someone post her own nude portrait on the blog. respect her for that, although I would love to do mine. but I would never have the courage to post it up. not that I am not well endow though but the courage to put it up... lolx. as usual singaporean with their narrow "frog in the well" conservative mentality just have to make a big issue out of it. fucking irritating, why can't they just appreciate it. the photos are taken beautifully and artistic. look at the theme and the lightings. it's fantastic, wish I got a chance to practice such theme.

but the surprize came from the censorship board, saying that it's not against the law for putting self nude on one's blog. thumbs up, look even the offical body are neutral on this. this shows alot about opening up of censorship in singapore. but sad to say its people ain't.